Audition Requirements

What To Expect From Your 澳门金沙棋牌游戏 Audition


这是你展示演技的机会. You will be assessed in several ways to ensure that 澳门金沙棋牌游戏's training program is the right fit for you. 澳门金沙棋牌游戏's program is unique, intense, and requires a very specific skillset. A number of factors go into the decision-making and selection process; a key component is the audition.

重要的是: 一旦我们收到您的申请,您可以在线安排您的试镜, 成绩单(s), and both a personal and dramatic letter of reference.

See all 面试日期


Senior 澳门金沙棋牌游戏 faculty members conduct the auditions. 的y look for candidates who would benefit and 从澳门金沙棋牌游戏的培训中成长,除了以下因素:

  • A passion for acting
  • A commitment to the rigorous training program
  • Emotional connection to the text
  • Comprehension of the text
  • Truthful use of the body
  • Clarity of speech
  • Vocal audibility
  • Memorization and general preparedness
  • Ability to cold read

的 Audition Process


你将被澳门金沙棋牌游戏助理或裁判叫到试镜室. 的 atmosphere will be friendly, yet formal.

This is the time to introduce yourself, then provide photos or materials, 如果有必要的话, and ask any questions that you might have. Once introductions have been made and questions answered, the adjudicator will invite you to begin your monologues.


You will be prompted to announce your pieces. 通常, 评委会要求你说出剧名和你要扮演的角色的名字.

After you have finished your first piece, 花点时间,然后以同样的方式宣布你的第二篇文章. Adjudicators may do things slightly differently, 所以保持开放和灵活,记住这是一个做你喜欢的事情的机会.

的 focus of your audition is, 最终, 你的代理, so remain truthful to the spirit of your pieces. 至少要站着演奏一曲,以便裁判可以观察到你的动作, posture and the physicality your character. 表演时,请不要“利用”裁判,与他或她有直接的目光接触. 选择一个焦点在他身后的墙上,想象你正在说话的人物.


Once you have finished your interview, presented your two memorized monologues, and completed your cold reading (if applicable), the audition portion of your application is complete.

你可能会被要求重复一段独白,并对你的表现进行轻微的调整,看看你能不能很好地把握方向. 仔细听,并尽你最大的能力按照指示去做. 如果你以后有任何问题或担心, feel free to contact the Admissions Office at any time.


4Video Submission for Acting for Musical 的atre Applicants Only

申请表演音乐剧强调必须提交两个自录音乐选择通过申请人门户网站之前, 或之后, the live acting audition. 每件作品都应作为单独的媒体拍摄/上传. No continuous videos. 鼓励学生使用他们可以使用的标准技术/记录设备(例如.e. smartphones, tablets, etc.).

准备两段音乐,每段60到90秒. 快节奏与民谣的对比是首选,但没有类型要求. Sing what you love and the music that speaks to you.

每一件, please introduce your name, 歌名, and show in which it appears, and then begin your song performance. 学生必须在音乐伴奏下唱歌,这可能包括现场或预先录制的伴奏. No “a cappella” singing (meaning singing without music). 歌曲应该在四分之三的镜头中拍摄,这意味着头部到膝盖的顶部应该在画面中可见.

5Audition Results

你的试镜只是申请过程的一部分. Completed transcripts, your personal essay, 你的推荐信在你的整个申请中都很重要.

当你的文件完成后,澳门金沙棋牌游戏选拔委员会将对其进行审查. 在大多数情况下,你应该在四周内收到回复. 如果您在申请和试镜过程中有任何问题或疑虑,请随时与招生办公室联系. Our staff is always happy to assist you.

Audition Components


一旦你申请了,你就可以上传你的试镜照片作为你申请过程的一部分. 你的试镜照片只需要作为你试镜时的身份证明,不用于决定是否被澳门金沙棋牌游戏录取.


像在剧院那样穿着专业的服装,适合你的作品. 这并不一定意味着西装打领带或裙子穿高跟鞋, but clothing and hair should be clean and neat, not distracting or obscuring your face. 如果你的耳洞妨碍了你的声音和言语的充分发挥,事先把它们取下来. If your monologues require a range of motion, 确保你的衣服不会限制你的活动.


你可以带一个小道具在你的演讲中使用,尽管这绝不是必需的. A chair will be available upon request, 然而, we ask that at least one performance be standing, if physically possible. Please do not bring a person as a prop or focal point. 这次试镜的主角是你们,所以现场搭档不能进入试镜室. 澳门金沙棋牌游戏不会在试镜过程中提供布景或额外的道具.


准备好表演两段精心准备、背诵的已出版戏剧独白. 它们必须是对比鲜明的作品:一个是戏剧,一个是喜剧, or one classical and one contemporary, 总计 up to five minutes. 推荐一篇文章展示你对古典材料或其他高级语言文本的能力, such as Shakespeare or Restoration drama. 独白 should represent your current range, i.e., age, type or character. Read both plays in their entirety as 你可能会被问到与独白或整个戏剧有关的语境问题. For a list of suggested plays, 点击这里.


要知道你可能会被要求从面试中提供的材料中大声朗读一段文字和/或独白. 你将有很短的时间阅读选段,并提出任何问题.

Personal Interview

你将被问及有关你追求表演的愿望和你在澳门金沙棋牌游戏培训的兴趣的问题, 以及澳门金沙棋牌真钱你的业绩背景的具体问题, roles you have played, ancillary creative and/or artistic endeavors, and general questions about yourself. 的re is no preparation required for this section of the audition; just be yourself and be genuine. 指导你试镜的老师会在面试期间尽可能多地了解你.